What the F#*ck is a Woman?


Matt Walsh is still regurgitating crap from his crappy movie about what is a woman and what kind of silly crap Matt can get people to say on camera that he can make fun of after the fact.

If Matt keeps milking this cow the ASPCA might want to investigate him for bovine abuse, lol.

Udderly ridiculous you say?

For those that don't know, Matt Walsh, a right wing political commentator who also hosts the Matt Walsh Show and writes for the Daily Wire, has created a mocumentary around the question "What is a Woman?"

Center stage is a host of individuals that Matt was able to say anything all sorts of crap trying to answer the simple question of "What is a Woman?" and failing miserably.

Let's get a few things out in front first.

Just because Matt got these folks to make fools of themselves doesn't make it true or right.

Well Matt since you are still looking for an answer to your question, let me help you.

You already know what the term female is.  A human who is biologically identified as female through medical means of either chromosomes or an examination of their genitals which is why we use the term assigned female at birth (AFAB).

This is usually after a visual inspection by the delivering physician and rareley does it involve an investigation into the chromosomes which is another story.

So what is a woman?

I've said this before and I'll reiterate what I said.

What is a woman is defined by society at that time.

In the 50's on until the turn of the century society defined that a woman was the same as a female. End of story.

Of course society had other names for those humans who felt they were born into the wrong body or wrong gender.  They were called transsexuals or she males or heshe's, transvestites and so forth.

Society didn't broaden the definition of what was a woman until medicine started diagnosing the condition of gender dysphoria as something that was in fact real and definable within the human condition.

Society started to see these individuals as people who having lived in the shadows of society were in fact real.

Then medicine started treating these individuals as something other than a mental condition, which they did for many years.

So through the years of discovery and education society has broadened its definition to loosely include the transgender individuals into the definition of what is a woman.

What will happen tomorrow is anyone's guess.

I for one hope that we, as a society, will continue to grow and mature to make room for all of us who really only want to live our lives as we feel we should be and not be forced back into the closet of ignorance that we have finally left behind.

I hope this clears it up a bit.

If not, don't ask Matt Walsh.

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