Hi Cuties,
There is someone in my life who is elderly and she has a hard time getting pronouns right with regards to her transgender daughter.
She is in her mid to late seventies and she would drop a he or him into the conversation by accident and of course she would correct herself, apologize and feel like crap after.
I suggested that she use the persons name instead of a pronoun since she seems to be doing very well with the daughter's name.
That seemed to help so I decided to go a bit further and provide the following advice to those in the service industry.
If you are not sure or if you are uncomfortable calling a transgender person by their preferred "Sir" or "Ma'am" then just leave it out of the conversation.
I know there is very little chance that I will fool someone into thinking that I was born a girl. I'm over six feet tall and before my transition my voice was as deep as Darth Vader.
I know I have improved over the years but lets fact it. I have a deep voice.
If you don't believe me catch me on Stephanie Danderson's YouTube Channel every Saturday at noon when we record "Girlie Talk" or catch a recorded episode here.
So believe me I appreciate it when a waiter or clerk gets it right and I show it in their tips (this is a hint for those without a clue).
But that doesn't mean that they have to use the preferred pronouns.
They could be like the commercial and say "Welcome to Burger King. Can I take your order?" and leave all that sir or ma'am crap out of it.
See. Problem solved. And if you have a meat stick of a boss and they get on you for not using pronouns, just splain it to them.
Now I try and be as understanding as I can be when someone gets it wrong. A lot of times it will be in a drive through where the first interaction is over a crappy little speaker. No worries.
But if you are one of the few who deliberately and maliciously go out of your way to piss me off and harsh my mellow, well then, stand the fuck by.
That meat stick of a boss you don't like, will not get any nicer when I get through with them.
Nuff said.
Have a great one and keep your powder dry.
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